Land Providers

Your Vision, Our Land. Together, We Grow.

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Who We Are

Welcome to Priya Enterprise, the ultimate destination for land enthusiasts seeking their perfect plot.

We specialize in connecting you with agricultural and non-agricultural land at jaw-dropping rates.

Join our vibrant community and embark on a journey to find the land of your dreams!

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How do I submit a property?

To submit a property, simply fill out our user-friendly submission form.

Can I modify my listing details?

Yes, you can easily modify your listing details through your account settings.

How are notifications sent to owners?

Notifications are sent automatically via email and SMS to property owners.

What if I have a specific requirement?

Feel free to use our forum to post your requirements and connect with sellers.

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Contact Us

Phone: 9723888999
Address: Desai Colony, Vishal Nagar Road Tarsali-390009, Vadodara, Gujarat